Benefits of Kissing For Health
kissing is a very natural thing for couples, kisses here on the basis of love is not karna lust. kiss because love can arouse body spirit and generate hormone hormone in body. loving kisses can create happiness.
The following benefits of kissing for health.
1. Increased blood flow
If a woman kisses her male partner seriously, a shock wave can build up throughout the body and can increase blood flow to certain parts of the body, which also facilitate the flow of blood.
2. Expel negative emotions
Kissing the lips can bring a physical sensation that can push your brain to increase dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure. At the same time, other parts of the brain kill negative emotions.
3. Face gets firmer
A light kiss can make two facial muscles (orbicularis oris) work well. When you kiss deeply, there will be 24 facial muscles, plus 100 other muscles in the body that also work. The more often the facial muscles are used, our face will get tighter!
4. Increase household harmony
kissing makes you feel loved beloved appreciated this makes your relationship more romantic of course.
5. Makes you more calm
kissing with a partner will make your mind feel peaceful and eliminate excessive strees.
so this article is made may be useful for you guys. !!!
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