Benefits of Mango Fruit for Health
yes for you who like fruit, this time I will review about the benefits of mango for your body health. yes mango is a favorite, it's a sweet and also seger of course very delicious for us to eat. yes the following benefits of mango for your body health.
1. Reduce Diabetes
Mango fruit has a low glycemic index (41-60) so consuming in moderation, will not increase sugar levels. Not only the fruit, but the healthy mango leaves as well. For people suffering from diabetes, just boil 5-6 mango leaves soak all night and drink the boiled water after filtered in the morning. This herb will help in regulating insulin levels.
2. Helps digestion
Mango has enzymes that help destroy the fat and protein content of the foods we eat. Then the fiber content of the mango helps in digestion naturally, which facilitates the removal of residual digestion.
3. Effectively prevent cancer
The study found that the antioxidant compounds present in mangoes (fisetin, isoquercitrin, gallic acid, quercetin, astragalin and methylgallat) have the property to protect the body against prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.
4. Boost the immune system
The abundance of vitamin A and vitamin C in mango plus 26 carotenoid content is very effective to keep the immune system strong and healthy.
5. Mango fruit can prevent heart disease
Mango Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins A, vitamin E, and selenium that help protect against heart disease. Mango fruit is also rich in vitamin B6 that plays a role in preventing heart disease by lowering levels of homocysteine (Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood that damages the lining of blood vessels).
yes so artiekel this may be useful for your health.
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